Synogogues in Italy

Synogogue in Florence

Wherever we travel with our family our parents always make it a point to visit the synogogues in the area. In Cuba we searched high and low for a synogogue and managed to find two very beautiful synogogues. In Morroco we found a wonderful synogogue in Marakesh. In Spain, we found a couple synogogues in a few of the cities along the Andalusian loop. 

Synagogues are very important to us and for other Jewish people looking for a place of worship and to learn about the history of Judaism in the country they are visiting. 

Coming to Italy was no different for us and our family and finding out where the synogogues were located was very important to us.

Synogogue in Rome

Below is a short list of resources that will help you locate a synogogue near where you will be staying. Alternatively, you can always contact Jewish organizations in your local area that might be able to provide you with additional resources.

    Synogogue in Rome
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