National Holiday Schedule

The Italian national holiday schedule is very useful to know in order to better plan your travel schedule as many places close on major holidays. While most of the main tourist attractions in the major cities are open year-round one has to be particularly aware of the national and municipal holiday schedules in order to avoid store and restaurant closures. Additionally, many of the smaller towns celebrate their own holidays which makes life a tad bit more difficult for the visitor.

Public Holidays
January 1 - New Year's Day (Capodanno)
January 6 - Epiphany (Epifania)
Movable - Easter Sunday
Monday  after Easter - Easter Monday (Lunedi dell'Angelo, Pasquetta)
April 25 - Anniversary of Loberation (Anniversario della Liberazione)
May 1 - Labor Day ( Festa del Lavoro (or Festa dei Lavoratori)
June 2 - Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica)
August 15 - Assumption Day (Ferragosto or Assunzione)
November 1 - All Saints Day (Tutti i Santi)
December 8 - Immaculate Conception (Immacolata)
December 25 - Christmas (Natale)
December 26 - St. Stephen's Day

Holidays by law
January 7 - Flag Day (Festa del tricolore)
January 27 - International Holocaust Rememberance Day (Giorno della Memoria)
February 11 - The Lateran Pacts (Patti Lateranesi)
May 9 - Europe Day (Giorno Europeo)

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