Restaurant Review: Poggiomanente

R E S T A U R A N T     R E V I E W S

SR = Strongly Recommend 
HR = Highly Recommend 
LE = Look Elsewhere


Uscita E-45 Umbertide/Gubbio
06019 Umbertide (PG)
Tel: 075-941-3085

"The Poggiomanente Restaurant is one of the most appreciated in the area and a point of reference for the lovers of quality cuisine. It offers a rich menu including some of the best dishes of Umbrian tradition: sapori di bosco,crescia with prosciutto ham,tagliatelle with goose sauce, Etruscan pennette,gnocchetti with truffle,roast duck,pork shank with fennel, fillet steak with Rubesco wine and radicchio salad. The building rises in the cellar of a XVI century farmhouse,an ancient mail station,and it offers an atmosphere which is at the same time rural and refined." (Poggiomanente Website)

Poggiomanente is a hidden gem located just off the Umbertide/Gubbio exit along the E-45 (for directions click HERE). A favorite with the locals, Poggiomanente offers diners several dining areas from which to choose from including one dining room that is located in a fully renovated 16th century farmhouse cellar. There is ample parking below and several parking spaces in front of the restaurant.

We first read about Poggiomanente on TripAdvisor which gave the restaurant good reviews and mentioned that the restaurant was a favorite with the locals. The bit about being a "favorite with the locals" piqued our interest. We immediately wanted to check it out for ourselves so we made it a point to book our first dinner in Umbertide at Poggiomanente. Making reservations via email was a breeze. We received a quick response back from management confirming our reservations for 7pm.

Getting to Poggiomanente was not difficult at all. If you are coming from Umbertide you need to follow directions to the E-45 to Perugia. Drive past the entrance leading to the E45 and shortly after you will see a parking lot belonging to Poggiomanente on the right with a small building (pictured above). The restaurant is just up the a small hill which is easily walkable.

Heading up to the restaurant from the parking lot below

We arrived at 7pm and were greeted by a very nice waitress named Malina. A quick walk around the restaurant revealed a very warm and inviting setting with a typical Umbrian decor. On the wall were pictures posted of guests of the restaurant. We were pleasantly surprised to see pictures of Ralph Fiennes and Monica Bellucci who apparently were "regulars".

Pictures posted of famous guests of the restaurant

We were the first dinner guests to arrive that evening and were allowed to pick our table. We picked a table in one of the bigger rooms and passed on the cellar room as it seemed more appropriate for couples. Indeed, as the night moved along more families with young children joined us in the big room.

The room that we dined in

Cellar dining room
The service was friendly and efficient. We asked our waitress to give us the most highly regarded dishes and she recommended the pepper steak with rose salts and steak with truffles. Both dishes did not disappoint. We were very surprised at how tasty both dishes were. However, we were particularly taken by the pepper steak with rose salts as it was incredibly flavorful with just the right amount of spices. The presentation of the pepper steak was also very impressive as it came out sizzling on a hot plate and cooked right before your eyes.This type of presentation was nothing new to us but seeing it done in Umbertide was. The steak with truffles came out nicely and the truffles did not overwhelm the dish as they sometimes can. Our son enjoyed his pizza and lots of dad's steak. During the meal, the owner came around to our table to see how we were enjoying our meal. He was both pleasant and charming.

Assortment of meats antipasta

Pepper steak with rose salts

Another angle of the delicious steak


Steak with truffles
 The truth is, Poggiomanente is a terrific restaurant that serves excellent local cuisine. The staff is efficient and friendly. The owner comes around to every table and strikes up a warm conversation. We strongly recommend [SR] this restaurant to anyone passing through or staying in the area and will definitely be returning to eat here in the future with family and friends.

We give our stamp of approval!

To view more pictures of our visit to Poggiomanente click HERE

If you liked reading our review of this restaurant (or any that we review) and you intend on going to eat at the restaurant please do mention to the restaurant management that you read our review. Additionally, we encourage all our readers, family and friends to submit their own reviews of their restaurant experiences either directly to us, through the submission link above or in the comments section below each review. Thanks!
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